Machining Centre

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Machining Centre

Elletielle’s machining centre service provides you with the best technology in the field to produce the products required to complete your orders. Starting from a contact with our commercial or technical department, we take care of evaluating together the type of machining necessary to complete your order.

You will be supported by one of our managers who will assess your needs, check the feasibility of sheet metal working and any requirements you may have for the job until the delivery of your materials.

When is machining center the best choice?

  • Drilling
  • Milling
  • Tapping
  • Reaming
  • Boring out

Work machine
Machining Centre

Il centro di lavoro verticale Awea BM1600 viene prodotto utilizzando ghisa Meehanite abbondantemente nervata per basamento, colonna, carri e tavola. Le larghe guide prismatiche garantiscono la massima resa con i materiali più resistenti, elevata precisione ed una maggiore durata dell’utensile. Ampia scelta di corse, di linee mandrino (ISO-40 od ISO-50) e di controlli numerici (Fanuc ed Heidenhain).



-------in forse-------- Grazie a queste qualità, la serie BM si è guadagnata un’ottima fama ed una invidiabile quota di mercato, con circa 800 macchine installate in Italia

  • Centro di lavoro a 3 assi
  • Testa fissa
  • 40 utensili
  • Piano di lavoro mobile 1600 x 800
  • Altezza di lavoro 800mm
  • Attrezzata con 2 piani magnetici 600 x 400
  • Morsa 175 x 375

Possible processes

Contact us

Tell us your needs, the project you want to create and contact us by filling in this form. We will answer you as soon as possible to better define your requests and help meet them.
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